
InnovCare is an ICT based solution that aims to increase and facilitate the supply of formal and informal care. The aim is to allow one to remain independent about prevention and the self regulation of tasks at home and in communities. 

InnovCare covers healthcare prevention and healthcare management in an innovative and integral way. This is performed as a team with healthcare professionals, informal caregivers and elderly. Together, they try to improve the welfare and health of elderly. 

InnovCare focusses on the following three domains:

•    to monitor physical activity through portable technology
•    evaluation of neurological conditions through mobile smartphones and;
•    to stimulate selfcarenetworks to involve informal caregivers in transferring information, to be able to work as a real team.

Smart Homes is the Dutch knowledge centre for home automation and smart living. In InnovCare, she will perform pilottesting. Through perfoming testing, one can determine the perceived utility of the product, the user friendliness and the accessiblity for the end-user. These tests are of great importance to guarantee the quality of the system and the main goal of Smart Homes itself: to provide people maximum life quality, health and independence.  

Voor het AAL-project Innovcare ( gingen studenten van het Kellebeek College, in opdracht van de Zorgboulevard  Roosendaal ( en  i.s.m. Thuiszorg West-Brabant  (l, op zoek naar een technologische oplossing waardoor de cliënten in de thuissituatie beter in staat zijn hun eigen regie te behouden.

Innovcare biedt (o.a.) een zorghorloge dat met een alarmknop, herinneringen en afspraken juist meer ruimte kan geven voor de kerntaak van verzorgers: goede zorg geven. In het filmpje vertellen 3 verzorgende IG in opleiding over hun ervaring met  actief leren en de implicaties van zorg technologie voor hun werk en het welzijn van hun clienten.



  • Program: AAL JP – ICT-based solutions for management of daily life activities of older adults at home
  • Duration: 30 months
  • Website:


Smart Homes works together in this project with:
•    Wellness Telecom in Spain
•    ISOIN in Spain
•    TANIWA in Spain
•    Life On Key in Israel
•    KempenLIFE in the Netherlands
•    SENIORNETT in Norway