
Not on sight, but still present

To have to freedom to live like you want - that's the core of VictoryaHome.Catchwords are peace of mind, pleasure, never alone, feeling connected, sharing feelings, helping the helpers, human care, and care provision as a hip profession. 

Already existing technology, such as fall detection, personal alarms and a smart pillbox are combined in the VictoryHome-project with new innovations, such as a smartphone-app for family and friends and a video-communication-robot at home.

This 'telepresence robot' help to connect people. This robot can is remote controlled via image connection, so family and friend can 'virtually visit', offering human contact. 

Long term userresearch

The goal of VictoryHome is the actually apply these new technologies and services. Within a year, the first participants had VictoryaHome at home and from 2015, more than 100 people in the Netherlands, Norway, Swedena dn Portugal used VictoryaHome.

Simultaneously, project partners worked hard to integrate VictoryHome in the actual care, to ensure that the services would proceed after the end of the project. 
Below, you can find a overview of VictoryaHome, with smart devices such as a fall detector, smart pillbox and the Giraff at home of the one who needs care, a smartphone-app for family and friends to receive signals and to react on those - not only in case of emergency, but also when people just are in need of small talk - and the care centre which can react in real cases of emergency. 



  • Program: AAL JP - ICT-based solutions for management of daily life activities of older adults at home

  • Duration: April 2013 – March 2016

  • Projectwebsite:


Smart Homes works together with the following projectpartners: