Persuasive Agents

The goal of Persuasive Agents is the realisation of saving energy in houses because of behavioural change through 'agent-based' techniques. This project combines the insights of divergent disciplines such as psychology and technology.

People got through innovative interfaces feedback about their use of energy with the aim that people will adjust their energy use. The following is used:

  • Virtual 'people' or avatars 

  • Persuasive technologies

  • Home automation and smart meters

In this project, Smart Homes tries to close the cap between scientific research and practice. The grant provider AgentschapNL expects that the results of the EOS LT will be implemented within 10 years. 

Meanwhile, Smart Homes works to make the technical and ICT-infrastruce of Smart Houses suitable to experiment with 'virtual people' continuously in practice. Thereby, smart meters are used on device and home level, but also home automation, allowing the citizen to easily switch of certain devices.




Smart Homes works together in this project with the following partners: